Wednesday, August 6, 2008

This is some of the girls in my family.
Left to right : Sister-Vickie, daughter-Megan, Sister-In-Law-Krista,
Me, Niece- Ali
(in front row) Sister-Mary, (holding niece Hadley) and niece-Miranda,
Nephew-Braden in the lower left hand corner (goof ball)

This was taken at Murray Park in Murray, Utah. July 2008
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Kim said...

hahha!!! yes!! Now I will be able to keep up with you.....
I get bits and peices from Bette.

Now Bette can stop hearing me say... I love that Kid ...Taylor Short!!

I miss hearing the phone ring..every evening..... I think thats a Taylor Short ring???

rustigray said...

I think you are missing an honorary Noble sister!! Big Sigh! I miss all of you too!

Rebecca Storms said...

Yea! Now I can keep up on you and your family. I miss you too. I need to come and visit or we could all retreat in Utah!