Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Taylor has a birthday and Meg prepares for her play

This week has been so busy!! Taylor celebrated his 17th birthday. I can hardly believe that my baby boy is 17!!! That is just one short year away from being old enough to vote and the deadline for getting his Eagle! Seventeen years has just flown by and I am so grateful that Taylor is such a fine young man. He is such a joy in my life and I enjoy every precious minute I get to be around him! We threw him a surprise party (thanks to the help of Megan and Erika who did all the work....I just supplied the funds LOL!) I think he was really truly surprised! It was fun!

Meg has had her play dress rehersals this week. She is a Pirate princess in the play "Jolly Rogers and the Pirate Queen" She loves acting! Those of you that know her well will not be surprised!

I have been extra busy with all my usual volunteering but also because my very dear friend Kristy's brother was hit by a car on Oct. 8th and has been in the hospital ever since then. I saw him again today and he is doing so much better. It looks like he will be released this week. This brings all kinds of new problems as Kristy now has to juggle his needs with the needs of her children. She is really stressed and could use any prayers.

As I write this we in Florida are finally enjoying some jacket weather!!! YIPPEE!!
It feels so good to need to wear pants! It will only last a few days but I will enjoy it while it does.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Taylor and Erika before Homecoming

Last night was Homecoming. Taylor took his girlfriend Erika. They make such a beautiful couple! They had a great time!