Thursday, May 26, 2011

BBQ with Steve's buddys 8-9-2010

On Aug. 9, 2010 Steve's old buddys from childhood planned a BBQ. We had it at the Haslam's house in Draper, Utah. The Freeman's and Haslams and us were in attendnce.

The Haslams have a beautifully landscaped backyard so we took advantage and got some good family pictures.

8-9-2010 Let's go to a BEES game and the Hogle Zoo!

The Noble family loves to go go go! This day we decided that we were going to take all the cousins to the zoo. Grandpa and Grandma Noble have passes and so we all met there in the morning. It was a beautiful day and the kids had a blast! Aspen especially loved the Aviary demonstration as she was imitating the big birds noises for days afterwards.

Then after a short breather we all gathered at the Bee's Baseball field to enjoy an evening of fun beyond the out field grass.

I'm not really sure what was so funny but everone was sure laughing and having a great time!

8-6-2010 Lagoon Day

On August 6th Mary's Stake held "Lagoon Day" Lagoon is the amusement park north of Salt Lake City. I've been going there ever since I was a little child and it had lots of memories for me. Steve wasn't in Utah yet so he didn't get to come with us but Vickie and her family, Grandpa and Grandma Noble, Mike, Mary and Aspen and my kids all went. It was a really fun day!

One of the highlights of the day was Pioneer Village. That was always a favorite of mine when I was a kid. We had our old fashioned pictures done. Sad that Steve wasn't there to be in the picture though! :-(

About halfway through the day it started to pour rain. It only lasted a short time but it did leave behind some puddles for Aspen to jump in.

Mary gets sealed to Mike 7-31-2010

It was a beautiful day at the Salt Lake Temple! Mary and her husband were sealed together for time and all eternity with their precious baby girl Aspen. After the temple we all went to eat at The Mandarin Restaurant in Bountiful, Utah. After we ate dinner Mike's Mom hosted a desert bar at her house. We had such a nice time!

Joe and Kim as well as Dan and Krista came to the Holje's house so we took advantage of the sunset and got some nice pictures.

Learning how to shoot with Grandpa

While we were in Utah getting the boys moved in and visiting family, my kids decided to have Grandpa Noble take them to the shooting range and give them some shooting lessons. We all had a great time except Megan who got hit by something hot that came out of the gun as she was shooting it. That ended the fun for her and she decided to stay in the waiting area until we finished.

Another year has passed?

Another year has passed and I'm just getting around to updating my blog. I'm going to try to back date some of the many events that have happened.

Bret and Taylor both headed out to Utah to attend school this past fall. Bret went to the University of Utah and Taylor attended Brigham Young University.
We all went out as a family last July 2010 and moved the boys out there. Megan, Bret and I drove Bret's car through Atlanta (stayed with Rusti for a few days) then on to Bear Lake (stayed and hung out with Mary and Mike and the rest of the Holje clan)for a few days, then finally on to Salt Lake City. Taylor and Steve flew out there and met us. We had a great trip and really enjoyed all of the time we spent with loved ones on the way.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


This is the last week of school! YAY! It has been such a busy month for the Short family. Taylor had so many awards ceremonies to go to before graduation night that he didn't even want to go to graduation. He was just so ready for it all to be over!
I am so proud of that boy though! He is just such a great kid. His graduation was Friday June 4th, 2010 and the next day he and some friends were headed to the lake to Jet Ski. He was at a stop light and the light turned green. He pushed on the gas to go BUT the new driver in front of him didn't! He ran into her car! He was so upset! The nice policeman that came to the accident didn't give him any kind of ticket! He went to get an estimate today and they said it would cost $970.00 for Taylor's truck. It was a good learning experience for him. I couldn't help but think back to when he first got his learners permit. One time he was waiting to make a turn and the car in front of him was taking too long and he was too close. I told him to be patient and he said "Can't I just bump him out of the way"? Well I guess he learned that you can't just bump anyone out of the way!

The boys are in the final count down for leaving for Utah. They are both really excited and nervous to go. I am dreading that flight home after leaving them there.
It's going to be awful quiet around here!